For playing our games you need install emulator to your computer
How to install emulator Download emulatorDownload emulator : "EMULATOR MAME Download"
Detailed text instructions on how to run our games:
1) At the top of the magpies, click "MAME32 Download" next to download an
emulator. File mame.zip download to your desktop of your computer and the file
in WinRAR extract. WinRAR program should run itself when you double-click the
file mame.zip mouse. On the surface you should find the folder called MAME and
many of her files.
2) Now you need to download a game that you like, so for example the letter
P, you can eat the game The Punisher. When you open the article, you can play
video from the video game and click on "Download" which you download your game.
On the desktop you will see a zip file named punisher.zip. Click the
right button and select "Cut"
3) Now open the folder again, we have, and then open the subfolder called "roms"
It is empty. Now in this folder, right click and select "paste". Then you should
be in this folder find the file punisher.zip, a game that you've downloaded, and
they'll probably want to play :-)
4) Go back to the main components we have and the very bottom you will find a
set with blue and orange icon, named "MAME32. Double-clicking it, which you run
5) You will see your menu, we have a game console. The first column on the
left you can see underneath a lot of signs. Click the second sign with the name
"avaiable" Now you are in the middle column will file with the Punisher, you
6) will present you a kind of table with white lettering. Now press on the
keyboard the letter "O" and then "K". Appears next table, where most of them
just need to when to pull the spacebar.
7) So let the game began. Now the left of the keyboard and press "5" (no F5!)
gaming credits. Now start the game by pressing "1"(no F1!) located just below the bottom
right of the Esc key.
8) Most of the games with the arrow keys, Ctrl, Alt, Shift and Spacebar sometimes. All the left of the keyboard.
Supplement to Instruction: If the emulator adding more games is always needed when you add press F5 for new game will appear in the list!
What is the meaning of MAME? It is the abbreviation of Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. It is actually a programme which can display the old arcade games, developed between 1980-1996 on the ordinary personel computer.
These arcade games, of course, could not be compared in
terms of grafic to the present games, because the former hardware was not
grafically so efficient as these days. Do you ask why these game should be
played today? The answer is simple. The old arcade games had its spirit. It was
a constant flow of actions and the player completely coalesced with the game he
played. Today's games are programmed in high definition, but it often happens
that after a few days we get tired of its play and therefore choose another
game. This will not happened with the old arcade game. Whenever
you start playing arcade game you're sitting at the game and play till the end
of it. Player always makes time to return to his favorite game and never get
An old arcade games were not originally on the PC. It was a kind of
jukebox, where the player had to throw small coins and bought credits for each
Nowdays you do not need to pay for anything. The only you need is your own PC
and Mame Emulator installed. Then you need your own game, known as "rom" and
play. These games are old, approximately about five thousand pieces. Of course,
the best are only about a few tens.
Who had created these old games? They were mostly big game producers who are
working till today. We can name the most famoust ones as is Sega, Capcom, SNK,
Atari Games, Data East USA, and many others.
Who actually invented and programmed this great emulator? The project has
launched Italian programmer Nicola Salmoria. The first version of this emulator
was released in 1997. In 1997, this project took over his colleague Mirko
Buffon, and in 2003 he started the project umbrella, David Haywood. Since 2005,
it was then Aaron Giles in 2011, then Angelo Sales. All over the world, the
project received hundreds of developers and thousands of contributors.
The first version of the emulator to work only for MS-DOS, as well as on the
Macintosh, and of course on Windows. There are even versions for PDAs and mobile