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Ms. Pac-Man

Pac-Man 30
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4.4 / 10
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NOTICE !!! All games on this web site I am testing by myself and all are fully functional, but provided only if you use our emulator and our game !!! Emulator and games are specially designed to work properly. Not like the other web sites that offer thousands dysfunctional games, which I personally just as surely as you hate. YOU ALWAYS MUST !!! 1 step: Download the game and add game to the folder "roms", 2 step: In runnig emulator mame32 to press "F5" for refresh games list !!! 3 step: Use only our specially designed emulator mame32 with our games. I will be very happy if the Games will post comments. A't it will be a commentary on the game or our website. I wish you much fun. Your Gbit


In my opinion, when an arcade game is said, everyone must attack the PAC-MAN game. As if it was the very first game that started the entertainment of video games. The origin of this game dates back to 1981, which was only 3 years :-)). Ms. PAC-MAN is actually a continuation of the 1980 PAC-MAN game, but this time it is a female hero. The aim of the game is to go through the maze and collect the food. You must avoid all your enemies. When you eat a bonus wheel, your enemies start flashing and you can eat them like food :-)) The game consists of 4 different mazes that combine in a variety of ways. There is also completely new music in the game, and the sound and graphics effects are also different from the original version. The game also has its own mistakes, and unfortunately it is unplayable in 256 rounds. MS. PAC MAN can collect a variety of fruits on its way to gain valuable points. You can come across cherries - 100 points, Strawberries 200 points, Orange - 500 points, pretzel 700 points, pear for 2000 points and top is banana for 5000 points. Everyone loved this game. This is evidenced by the evaluation. In 2013, the MS was placed. PAC-MAN among the ten best games for the Atari 2600. A year ago, in 2016, the game was declared one of the five best arcade games in the world. Game development: General Computer Corporation Midway Manufacturing Game Publisher: Midway Manufacturing, Namco Game Release: 13.1.1981 Resolution: 224x288, 16 colors


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