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The Punisher

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NOTICE !!! All games on this web site I am testing by myself and all are fully functional, but provided only if you use our emulator and our game !!! Emulator and games are specially designed to work properly. Not like the other web sites that offer thousands dysfunctional games, which I personally just as surely as you hate. YOU ALWAYS MUST !!! 1 step: Download the game and add game to the folder "roms", 2 step: In runnig emulator mame32 to press "F5" for refresh games list !!! 3 step: Use only our specially designed emulator mame32 with our games. I will be very happy if the Games will post comments. A't it will be a commentary on the game or our website. I wish you much fun. Your Gbit


What to say about The Punisher? It's one of my favourite games. Not only because of the excellent graphics, as well as the tension and action situations. The game was released in 1993 by Capcom. The task of the hero is to kill the greatest criminal kingpin and destroy his company. On this game I just love that every level has the greatest villain in the end, which you have to deal with it. The Punisher has practically everything you can find about your enemies or pouches. We can then meet in a game with the main hero Punisher collected his enemies samurai sword, various knives, but also sports equipment like baseball bat :-) Punisher enjoys neither a steel rod that can damage the enemy pretty face. If you're the enemy can take away anything you can use on your journey wheel needs of the car, a dumpster, everything that can be used as a weapon. Unless you find some food you can supply the necessary energy, which will never be enough !!!. In the game you can sometimes even to steal firearms such as M14 and UZI. I'm very stearate hand grenades, because the enemy will be literally chopped :-). Too bad that the game is compared comic enough censored. That is, here we find a really bloody clashes with enemies and your enemies if the woman then do not expect that there will only move in sexy lingerie as in the comics. Not only me but also the other players of this game rightly described as one of the best games of its genre. For me The Punisher titles from all MAME emulator clear Top 10 game.

For more videos with The Punisher arcade game you can visit

If you want buy CD, DVD with  with The Punisher arcade game i can recommend you ebay.com

or you can try amazon.com

If you are looking for very detailed information about this game try to visit  wikipedia.org

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